May 4, 2012

A Dream (IV)

(Part 3:

A whispered conversation floats through the air, two voices plotting right in front of me.
"Do you have her?"
"Good, now everything is in place."
"I'll be with you tomorrow."
"No. I don't need you here; you're doing perfect where you are."
There was a soft sigh.
"You should be proud, this is bringing us closer to her."
"Of course."
"You sound reluctant. Don't you want to find her?"
The other voice replied with an uncharacteristic outburst of anger, "And how is killing going to do that? I'm always doing these things for you, but how much closer are we to her? I can't even remember anymore! Every memory has been masked with crimson pools of blood." The last sentance was a decrescendo to a quieter tone. "Are you happy now? With what I've become?"
"This all had to be done, you know that. Everything has a purpose, trust me on this."
A blurry figure came into focus. He had deep blue eyes and a breathtaking face with a mouth whose shape I've felt before. Troy.

"Really?" I replied after recalling the troubling dream I had imagined in Rachel's classroom the day before. Only now did I remember the details. "What was it about?"

Part V:

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