May 3, 2012

A Dream (III)

(Part 2:

Troy awoke me again with a hand on my side, guiding me into the seat of my chair. A plate of scrambled eggs and sliced fruit sitting in front of me and I could feel the steam drifting to my skin and lifting my tired eyes. Across the table he sat watching me as I ate. In between bites I smiled up at him, and asked, "Why aren't you eating with me?"
"I ate while you drifting in and out of consciousness." He smiled to himself at the remembered memory of my draped body over this table.
"You like watching me eat, don't you?"
"Yes," he said without any contemplation, like it was a part of common sense. "I love you."
I stopped chewing. Then swallowed. Across the length of the table blue and brown eyes met. "I love you," I said slowly making sure each word came out of my mouth with conviction. I couldn't eat anymore, or else I might just explode, because at that moment my heart filled my chest and stomach and fingers and every part of my body. I stretched my hand across the length of that table.
My plates clanged noisily as I climbed across the table to get to him. Inches away from him, Troy grabbed the back of my neck to pull me towards him faster. This kiss was unlike the first one, hungry and passionate. I could taste the ocean on his lips and fruit on his tongue. We crashed to the floor when he inched me off the table with each kiss. The chair flipped backward and I ended up sprawled across his chest.
There were broken plates across the room and I woke up to the reality of the situation; my mother was still sleeping only a few walls away. Troy's face reflected my realization and I shifted off his chest to let him up. Together we picked up the pieces and swept the wood floor. Then Troy turned on the TV to disguise the noise of crashing just previously.
We sat on the white couch in the sitting room and he took my head in his lap, so I could lie down while gazing. I could feel his every shift and breath against my cheek. His jeans also smelled like sea salt and the fabric felt soft from the friction of sand. He laughed and his body shook under my face. "I can feel it when you smile."
"I can feel you breath," I spoke back sentimentally.
Troy brushed back my hair and told me, "I saw you before in a dream."

Part IV:

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