May 2, 2012

Jacob and Ben

"It doesn't matter since you don't like him, right?" I was silent. "Right?"
"I never said I didn't like him."
"Wow, I don't understand girls at all!"
Jacob had just taken Ben's spot while he was getting me a fork and he didn't budge when he came back. Intimidated by my terrible best friend, Ben left to go to choir practice, instead of being late to spend time with me.
Now Jacob was worried. And Caroline was worried too. Jacob told me awful truths about him. I didn't dare listen, because I didn't see those things when he looked at me and he deserved my ignorance of past mistakes--until the right time to be told. Still, his stories haunted the back of my mind, no matter how I tried to forget them.
Thursday was then Friday. Goodbyes were imminent. Ben was charming, but the pain of losing my best friend to Utah was too strong to think too deeply about him. My last dance with Ben was pleasant, his last words, "I wish that song never ended."
I answered with a distracted, "Me too," because Jacob was walking towards me with a somber look on his face. This would be the last time we'd ever dance together.
I could feel the goodbye in his arms. After a short conversation, silence hung between us. That silence pinpointed my thoughts to his move and I could feel my throat thicken with sadness. I'm pretty sure that you probably couldn't fit a Book of Mormon between us, but I didn't dare let him any further from me, nor him let me from he. As we danced, I looked at the couples dancing around us and thought how happy they must be, dancing with a guy/girl they really like. However, here I was in the middle of them all, my heart breaking. Then I had to break the heavy silence, or I was going to spill tears. "What are you thinking?"
He still didn't say a word, but crushed me into a hug and spun me around. When he put me down, he kept me in his arms until he whispered, "Counselors..."
Soon the music stopped and he spun me out. Quickly I slipped out of his grip and walked over to our group of friends. My sister was the first one I saw, but she hates when I cry, so I turned to Annabella. I just hugged her tight and began to cry. Jacob paused before coming over, composing his emotions, as to not mirror my sorrow.
"Are you sad because Jacob's moving?" Annabella asked.
I nodded and turned to see Jacob with his arms open. I shifted to his side while tears continued to fall. Wylie started to sing a silly song and I loosened as she continued and laughed in short bursts of sound. I never wanted to let him go.

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