April 24, 2012

The Game of Deceit (II)

(Part 1: http://life-passion-love.blogspot.com/2012/03/game-of-deceit-i.html)

"Mafias, awaken."
I saw two other lovely faces rise with cunning grins and Peter's face laughed at the bunch. Three clever determined girls one with purpose, one mindset.
"Now, who do you want to kill?"
Almost all at once, sharp fingers focused on Jeremy, the curly blonde with a mouth weak against smiles.
Peter's eyebrows rose at the quickness of our unified decision.
"Mafia, go back to sleep."

"Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's keep dancing."
"At least let me look at it, hold still." I stepped closer to inspect the damage. Ren's nose looked almost fine. No reddness, no swelling, no bruises, but then a very small trickle of red began to flow towards his lips. My hands fled to cover my mouth.
"I'm so sorry!" I repeated. "You're bleeding. Just a little bit."
My only concern at that point was getting something cold for his nose. "Yeah, come 'ere." I took him by the hand to where my water bottle lay. Nothing was still cold after sitting in the grass for a few hours. "Do you know anywhere where there'd be ice?" I asked to nobody in particular.
"Lena, I'm fine. I don't need any ice."
"Well, at least go to the bathroom, so you can run water over it or something."
"Okay, whatever you say," he said, putting his arm around me. "Let's go."
I paced back and forth inside that cramped rec center for probably only two or three minutes, but everytime I glaced at the clock, it seemed as if the second hand was going against the tide. The drinking fountain was a good distraction for a handful of seconds. Then I debated sitting down, but silly nerves kept me from staying in one spot.
"Ren, I'm so sorry," I again repeated as he came out.
"It's okay, Lena, really."
"It's just that I don't usually hurt people."
He laughed. "Well, that's comforting to know."

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